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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Manish: Tax and legal solution zone: Tds on immovable property, tds on proerty, sale and purchase of property, transaction of property, purchase of property, incresed cost of property, how to save tax on property, kind of tax on purchases of house property

Manish: Tax and legal solution zone: Tds on immovable property, tds on proerty, sale and purchase of property, transaction of property, purchase of property, incresed cost of property

1 comment:

  1. I am holding a Residential Flat in Gurgaon. I have bought this in resale. This is a Collaborative flat which means this unit was given by Builder to the owner of the land hence the total price mentioned in the BBA agreement is Rs-1. I am the 3rd owner in the sequence and actual cost for me of this unit is more than 50 lcs however original agreement still has total consideration as Rs-1. This is a Join property with my wife.

    Builder has offered the possession now. I don’t know if I need to pay 1% TDS under section 194-1A on this flat or not?
