Income Tax Return
Filing of Income Tax Return is
last date is 31st July 2016 for year ending 31/03/2016. Now the date
is extended till 5th August 2016 for the year ending 31/03/2016 due
to strike in bank in country.
For Jammu And Kashmir State the income
tax filing date is extended till 31st August 2016 due to disturbance
within state for year ending 31/003/2016.
Income Tax
Return Forms
ITR 1 (SAHAJ) : For Individuals having Income from
Salary & Interest.ITR 2: For Individuals & HUFs not having Income from Business or Profession
ITR2A : For Individuals & HUFs not having Income from Business or Profession and Capital Gains and who do not hold foreign assets
ITR 3 : For Individuals/HUFs being partners in firms and not carrying out business or profession under any proprietorship
ITR4S: For Individuals/HUF/Partnership Firm having income from presumptive business
ITR 4: For Individuals & HUFs having income from a proprietary business or profession
ITR 5 : For persons other than,- (i) individual, (ii) HUF, (iii) company and (iv) person filing ITR-7
ITR 6: For Companies other than companies claiming exemption under section 11